Monday, February 13, 2012

Taylor is 4 Months Old

Well sadly, this is only my second blog since I started it.  :-(  My goal was to post twice a week....and I am definitely falling shy of that.  Although, I'm finding that's the case with most bloggers.  They either go all crazy and post every day...or they forget and never post and therefore have no followers.  I guess I better get crackin if I want any of you to read my rants...LOL.

Taylor turned 4 months old on 1/29.  The Doctor said she is a VERY healthy little girl!!  Her stats are:
*Weight - 14 lbs, 13 ozs  (75%)
*Height - 25 1/2"  (90%)
*Head - 16" (50%)

Taylor is drinking 6-8 ozs at a time.  She is a very good eater!!  We attempted rice cereal, to which she wants NO part of...LOL. 

However, oatmeal is a different story...YAY!!

She sleeps from 7pm to around 4am (How lucky am I?!?!) but she has a VERY inconsistent daytime nap schedule.  It's near impossible to try to plan anything since you never know when she'll be down...LOL.  Not to mention, she hates the car.  I mean...LOATHES it!!  This is a first for me, since Brody is so quiet you hardly even know he's there.  She, on the other hand, becomes a screaming, slobbery, hot mess once you start moving in the car.  It's not her carseat, because she does fine in the stroller.  It's not an attention factor, because my Dad was next to her during one ride.  I think it's just a case of car sickness.  :-(   For means that we don't go very far for fear that Mommy will go insane. LOL  That was tested on the hour and a half car ride to the zoo, to which...yup...she screamed...the ENTIRE way. 

She is almost rolling over and loves to grab her feet once you've taken her diaper off.  LOL She loves to smile and laugh and really enjoys watching Brody.

It's such a different experience when you have the first child there to help entertain the second one.  Brody loves to talk to her and help calm her down when she's upset while Mommy is getting a bottle ready. He is such a great helper and he LOVES being a big brother.  He cried the other day when we told him we were going to drop Taylor off at a friends while we went to Legoland.  He thought we were going to leave her there permanantly.  It was very cute!!

I can honestly say that having a second one is definitely a challenge.  The most challenging part to me is having had an easy going schedule for the past couple years, which I worked very hard to get might I add, and having it all thrown out the window.  I know we'll get there again someday but until then, I still believe my definition of insanity, is those who have more than two kids.  LOL  My hats off to you because I know I couldn't do it!!

Although...I wouldn't change anything and I enjoy waking up to these two beautiful children every day!